Sanjog’s Interventions
Child Protection and Child Right Governance (2013 to date)
Since the promulgation of Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000, the proper implementation on this ordinance could not be done accordingly. For instance, police is directed to contact parents, guardians and probation officers when a child is arrested and kept in a police station. However most of police has no awareness in this regard. Judges are not sensitized either. They grant judicial and physical remand in juvenile cases without keeping in mind the JJSO 2000.
SANJOG is committed to improve the juvenile justice system in Pakistan and is facilitating the probation department and judiciary in Punjab to promote the restorative justice instead of penalizing and detaining the children who come into conflict with law.
The project’s goal is “Protection of child’s legal rights through proper implementation of Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000”
Specifics objectives are:
- Diversion mechanism for children in contact with law from formal justice system is in place utilized in target province.
- Curriculum on Juvenile Justice and child rights developed and institutionalized at Police Training Centre in one province.
- To enhance general knowledge of public regarding child legal rights and JJSO 2000.
Following outcomes have been achieved so far:
- JJSO 2000 is inducted in the curriculum of police training institutes of Punjab.
- 38 Additional District and Session Judge, 57 Civil Judges, 18 Prosecutors, 12 Prison officers, 18 Lawyers and 12 Probation officers, 20 judicial magistrates, 20 lawyers and 12 probation officers, 16 Police Officers, 18 Prison officers, 20 lawyers and 10 crime reporters are trained on JJSO 2000 Probation Act, CP, CRC, relevant child related laws.
- Support and follow up of 200 cases. Out of which 84 cases disposed off and bail out 97 resultantly 39 juveniles released.
- 8 Parliamentarians are sensitized from 3 major political parties on the issue of probationers and for establishment of exclusive juvenile court. Road map is prepared for them for preparation of draft of bill. They are willing to present it in assembly to uplift probation department and for establishment of exclusive juvenile court.
- Advocacy campaigns is launched for establishment of exclusive Juvenile courts in the district Lahore and separate trail of children in ATC. 19 district and session judges are sensitized through a seminar and general public through 4 walks and 4 press conferences.
- 2 Offices of Probation officers are renovated in Sahiwal and Kasur respectively.
In coming year, Sanjog is targeting at:
- Induction of JJSO in curriculum of prison department.
- Capacity building of judges/ Qazi/ investigators /prosecutors etc on Probation Act, CP, CRC, relevant laws on child rights and JJSO.
- Support and follow up to the 400 cases in courts of unprivileged children in contact with law.
- Training of probation officers on Social investigation Report and counseling skills.
- Dialogues between MPA'S and Parole and Probation officer's on Issues faced by them and funds allocation for panel of lawyer for free legal aid.
- Advocacy campaigns for establishment of exclusive Juvenile courts in the target districts and separate trail of children in ATC and child friendly desk in police station of district Lahore.
- 2 Seminar with stakeholders, media and parliamentarian for re operationalization of certified School of Sahiwal.
- Orientation of Punjab Bar Council and Lahore Bar association for implementation of laws.
- Establishment and maintenance of rehabilitation center for juvenile in District Jail Lahore.
- Renovation of probation offices.
The project is financially supported by Save the Children.